- 45% of retired depend on their relatives and families,
- 30% depend on the government (SSS, PHILHEALTH, etc),
- 23% will "STILL HAVE TO WORK OR DO BUSINESS" and only
The question is: "Where do you want to be included?"
To be part of the 2%, here are some habits you need to develop:
1. Earn More NOW
You need to find ways to earn more. Don't stick with one source of income. Build multiple source of income. It is not wise to live with one source of income. Bad things happen when we least expect it. Companies go bankrupt. Large companies merge or acquire big and small companies. Companies do cost-cutting through outsourcing. etc. And where does this lead to? This lead to redundancy and unemployment. So the safest way is increase cash flow by creating multiple source of income.
To know more about how to create multiples source of income: read Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen.
2. Save More NOW
The reason why most people live in a "RAT RACE" is because they don't SAVE. Saving a percent of your hard earned money is one of the first habits of the Self-made Rich People. The foundation of wealth is delayed gratification.
3. Spend Less NOW
People have a bad habit of spending more than they earn. Live within your means. How can you be blessed with Big Money if you can't even handle your "not so big" money.
Don't look at how the Rich spend. Study how they started and how they build their wealth.
The problem is most people look at how the rich spend. They look at what watches and clothes they wear. What cars and gadgets they buy. Without looking at what they did to get to their level.
How can you spend less? by monitoring your expenses.
Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. ~Benjamin Franklin
4. Invest More NOW
Before you invest your money, make sure to have a "PEACE OF MIND" Fund. Financial Experts call this the "EMERGENCY" Fund. (I don't like the term because you might attract emergency things happening in your life.)
A good "PEACE OF MIND" Fund should be amounting to around 8-12 months for your monthly expense. For example, your monthly expense is around P20,000. You need to build around P160,000 to P240,000 of "PEACE OF MIND" Fund. You should put this in a high-interest yielding bank deposits or time deposits where you can immediately get it if you need it. Visit your local banks for more information or visit their website.
After this, invest the rest, where? It depends on what your investing for. You can ask your financial advisers for this.
This simple money habits separates those who really build wealth from those who just look wealthy. In the Philippines, we call this people "MAY DATING PERO WALANG DATUNG". They copy how the wealthy look but in reality they're not.
If you want to Retire Rich, DECIDE NOW. Follow this simple habits.
If you have questions, feel free to comment.